A pilot project for 25 teachers of English in Moldova is harnessing the popularity of blogs to engage students and increase their interest in learning English.
The new American Councils Moldova educational project, which gathers English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers from over 15 districts around Moldova remotely via Google Hangouts, promotes the use of blogs to connect with students and take advantage of online teaching tools.
This project is the first of its kind in Moldova- very few language teachers around the country use blogs. Even fewer teachers have created a blog or used one as a teaching tool.
By the end of the project, the teachers will have learned how to create an entire class or school-wide blog. Posting and editing entries, inviting team contributions, and incorporating online tools are just a few of the assigned tasks for the participants.
So far, teachers have experimented with online tools such as Voki, a website that lets users create customized speaking avatars for learning vocabulary and pronunciation; Animoto, a cloud-based site to create videos from pictures and slideshows; and Pow Toon, which creates video presentations for online classes.
Fulbright alumni, Peace Corps volunteers, and other native English speakers in Moldova are collaborating with the Moldovan English teachers and acting as mentors for the project.
American Councils Moldova invites you to learn more about the EFL Blogging School and the course content.
Additional details on the blogging project are available on American Councils Moldova official website.