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U.S. Study Abroad Assistance Fund Applications Now Accepted for 2022-23 Academic Year

The U.S. Study Abroad Assistance Fund is now accepting applications. The fund provides financial support to American students with a demonstrated need to participate in programs administered by American Councils. Awards are given for costs that most scholarships or programs do not cover, including passport fees, medical exams, luggage, and other incidentals. Eligible program finalists can apply for up to $300 in support towards covering these extra costs.

U.S. Study Abroad Assistance FundThe Assistance Fund has limited funding available for virtual program participants, up to $100 per participant, to assist with Wi-fi, technology, and equipment, if needed, to participate in virtual programs.

American Councils offers this initiative to decrease the financial barriers some U.S. students face as a part of our ongoing efforts to make study abroad truly accessible to all students. American Councils believes that diversity enriches our world and cultivates respect for the communities in which we work. The fund was designed to help expand access to meaningful overseas experiences to study abroad participants from all backgrounds.


Program finalists from the following programs administered by American Councils (both in overseas and virtual formats) for Fall 2022 or Academic Year 2022-2023 are eligible to apply:

Additional eligibility requirements:

US citizen or permanent resident.

Demonstrate financial need in one of the following ways:

  • Undergraduate or high school students: Pell Grant or Free and Reduced Meal (FARM) program eligible or TRiO Program participant.
  • Graduate students may verify their eligibility in one of two ways:
  • Awardees may choose to send proof of eligibility or enrollment in work study program or other verification of financial need from their university, such as need-based award specific to their university or graduate program.   
  • Awardees may also send proof of having taken out a loan (in their name) for graduate or PhD studies, or a copy of SAR (student aid report that shows they have applied for FAFSA), directly to American Councils.
  • (If you are not currently enrolled in an academic degree-seeking program, please contact us at

Agree to provide testimonial (narrative and photo/video) about participant program experience.

The Assistance Fund provides support to summer, fall, spring, and academic year program finalists. Applications are collected in April, August, and November prior to a student’s intended program start date.

Next deadline: August 7, 2022


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