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American Councils Celebrates Sendoff for First I-Kiribati Students in MCC Kiribati Threshold Program

"American Councils Celebrates Sendoff for First I-Kiribati Students in MCC Kiribati Threshold Program"

On June 21, American Councils' Kiribati office celebrated a significant milestone with the sendoff of the first cohort of students participating in the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Kiribati Threshold ProgramUaiakinan ao Uarokoan Toronibwaia I-Kiribati Activity (UUTI Activity). The UUTI Activity aims to equip Kiribati youth with critical work readiness skills such as oral and written communication, workplace behavior, information and communication technology (ICT), and English language skills to enhance their preparedness and competitiveness in the international labor market.

The Ministry of Education of Kiribati graciously hosted the celebratory event, which brought together I-Kiribati students and their families to commemorate their achievements and the promising opportunities that lie ahead in the United States.

The event was attended by His Excellency Taneti Maamau, President of Kiribati, accompanied by First Lady Teiraeng Maamau. Kiribati's Minister of Education, Alexander Teabo, and Minister of Employment, Taabeta Teakai, joined in the celebration, underscoring their support for the program, which has received a $29.1 million investment from MCC.

“At this stage, I wish to acknowledge the United States for its tremendous support toward the UUTI program,” Minister Alexander Teabo remarked. “As our slogan says, ‘Education is Everyone’s Business,’ which reaffirms the strong collaboration and cooperation between all key education stakeholders toward improving the education sector in Kiribati…The project’s success will surely improve the employability of the Kiribati youth not only within Kiribati but outside of Kiribati as well, thus ultimately improving the country’s economic prospects.”

108 I-Kiribati students are expected to participate in UUTI programming in 2024 through three sub-activities: Youth Skills Camps in the U.S. and Fiji and an academic year exchange program to the U.S. The inaugural cohort of 50 I-Kiribati students departed for the United States on June 24 to participate in a four-week Youth Skills Camp. Organized as part of the UUTI Activity, the camp offers a comprehensive curriculum encompassing skill-building courses, English language classes, and immersive American cultural experiences. Highlights of the agenda include community service projects, interactions with U.S. peers, and home hospitality, aimed at significantly enhancing participants' English language proficiency and cross-cultural competencies.

Later this summer, another group of 50 students will participate in a three-week Youth Skills Camp in Fiji. This program, focusing on English language proficiency, communication skills, information and communication technology (ICT), and cross-cultural workplace competencies, underscores the ongoing commitment to preparing Kiribati's youth for global opportunities. Finally, eight students will travel to the U.S. in August 2024 to participate in an academic year program in which they will live with American host families and be enrolled in U.S. high schools.

American Councils is honored to collaborate on initiatives aimed at enhancing economic and educational opportunities for the people of Kiribati. We are privileged to work alongside the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) and the Government of Kiribati in empowering I-Kiribati students with unparalleled opportunities to advance their work readiness skills, enhance their English proficiency, and prepare for success in the international labor market. Together, we are committed to fostering a brighter future for Kiribati's youth.

The MCC-Kiribati Threshold Program is a partnership between the U.S. Government’s Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) and the Government of Kiribati. The funds are provided by the American people and seek to enhance economic opportunities for the people of Kiribati. American Councils for International Education serves as the Implementing Partner for the UUTI Activity in cooperation with the Kiribati Ministry of Education.