Professional Fellows Program (PFP)
International professionals gain practical experience in U.S. government and business.
Professional Fellows Program (PFP) for Europe and Eurasia is a two-way, global exchange program designed to promote mutual understanding, enhance leadership and professional skills, as well as build lasting partnerships between mid-level emerging leaders from foreign countries and the United States. PFP participants are placed in intensive 5–6-week fellowships in non-profit organizations, private sector businesses, and government offices across the United States for an individually tailored professional development experience. Promising young professionals are afforded the opportunity to gain practical experience in, and exposure to, U.S. government, innovation ecosystems, and other topics depending on their professional background. American participants who have hosted PFP fellows later travel overseas for participant-driven reciprocal exchange programs. The Professional Fellows Program for Eurasia was launched in 2012, and American Councils has implemented the program since its introduction.
The Professional Fellows Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. American Councils administers PFP for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Serbia, Türkiye, and Ukraine. Themes include Governance and Society: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Serbia, Türkiye, and Ukraine; and Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Belarus.
U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
Citizens and residents of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Serbia, Türkiye, and Ukraine