Russian Language and Area Studies Program
College and university students are immersed in Russian language and culture in Armenia, Estonia, Georgia, or Kazakhstan.
One of the longest-running and most respected overseas Russian language and cultural immersion programs, the Russian Language and Area Studies Program (RLASP) combines intensive classroom instruction with a wide range of extracurricular activities, including internships and community service, regional field studies, conversation partners, and discussion groups with local students.
Locations now include Armenia, Estonia, Georgia, or Kazakhstan. Programming in Russia is currently suspended.
RLASP is open to undergraduates, graduates, and working professionals alike. An intensive immersion experience, the academic year, semester, and summer programs provide approximately 20 hours per week of in-class instruction in Russian grammar, phonetics, conversation, and cultural studies in Armenia, Estonia, Georgia, or Kazakhstan
Programs include homestays, weekly excursions, regional travel, conversation partners, and a wide range of opportunities to pursue internships, volunteering, hobbies, and personal interests in a Russian-language context. Participants may also earn credit for area studies coursework in subjects such as literature and history, political science, and contemporary society. All courses are taught in Russian by expert faculty with experience teaching foreign students.
Self-funded; financial aid is available.
Two semesters or more of Russian language experience required. See program website for full details.