Youth in classroom in Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan Youth Employment Skills (YES) Activity

The Uzbekistan Youth Employment Skills (YES) Activity seeks to provide youth in Uzbekistan with the necessary knowledge and skills they need to contribute successfully to the country’s economic and social development as competent employees or entrepreneurs.

With over 60 percent of Uzbekistan’s population being under the age of 30, the youth of Uzbekistan have the potential to transform the country through their contributions to the labor market. To accomplish this, Uzbekistan’s youth require support to secure or create employment in the existing job market, and to develop the skills they need in the job market of the future economy. YES aims to improve the quality of school-based economics and entrepreneurship programs and after-school soft skills and work readiness programs. Through partnerships with the Ministry of Preschool and School Education and private sector stakeholders, YES creates opportunities for hands-on training, job shadowing, and mentorship opportunities.

United States Agency for International Development      r    Uzbekistan YES logo
Funded by USAID, Uzbekistan Youth Employment Skills (YES) Activity is implemented by American Councils for International Education as the lead organization, along with a consortium of partners including Startup Innovation, Sharoit Plus, and ERGO Analytics.



Travis Gartner
Chief of Party
Youth Employment Skills Activity