Score Reports

NEWL Score Reports

American Councils release score reports in July after the exam administration. A downloadable link to the score report is sent directly to the examinee. Parents will not have access to NEWL scores unless the examinee and the parent/s share email addresses. 

An official score report may also be sent to a college or university of the examinee's choice. The report includes an endorsement letter from the College Board and guidelines on how to interpret NEWL scores. Supplementary documents sent to a university or college are not included in the student score report. 

Reports will also be shared with the language teacher or the Registrant. Upon request, student score reports, including their names and school information, are also sent to colleges and universities, and educators at the school, district, and state level for award use (i.e., the Seal of Biliteracy, or other awards and scholarships). The allocation of awards is subject to each state or institution's policies. American Councils or NEWL are not part of the award-granting process. 

Note that American Councils will email official score reports to a college or university without charging additional fees. However, requests may take up to 10-12 business days to process. Email the request form to Huma Shamsi at with the subject line: “NEWL SCORE REPORT REQUEST”.